PS2 Linux Programming


Putting The 3D Components Together





This tutorial will combine and consolidate many of the methods and techniques that have been introduced over the previous few tutorials. A view into a 3D world which contains a controllable textured quad will be configured. This tutorial will illustrate the following new features and techniques:


·        The operation of the z-buffer to properly depth sort 3d objects.

·        Clipping of 3d objects to the view frustum.

·        The effect of perspective when viewing 3d objects.

·        Perspective texture distortion when using UV texture coordinates.

·        The use of the SPS2 wrapper class.


At this point in the tutorial series some changes have been made to the structure and organisation of the texture and font loading classes (ctexture.cpp/h and font.cpp/h) to accommodate the use of the SPS2 wrapper class – older versions of these classes will not work with the example code provided with this tutorial.


Again, it is emphasised that some of the coding methods implemented here are by no means optimal and/or efficient. However, as with the previous tutorials, the code is written in a manner that should allow the reader to understand the methods and techniques that are being used. It is then up to the reader to develop their own code in a more efficient and structured manner once the techniques have been understood.



The tutorial Code


Nothing particularly new in the way of coding is being introduced in this tutorial but rather it is an accumulation of the techniques that have been introduced in the three tutorials “SPS2 Wrapper Class”, “Introducing The Third Dimension” and “Viewing In Three Dimensions”. These three tutorials should be investigated prior to this one.


In the tutorial code, the 4 vertices of a textured quad will be sent through a 3d graphics pipeline that is configured with some sensible parameters. A local to world matrix is configured to position the object in the world, a world to screen (or camera) matrix is configured to obtain a view into the world, and a perspective transformation matrix is configured to generate a canonical clipping volume. Following clipping, a view port transformation matrix is configured to transform and scale the 3d image onto a 2d screen.


In main.cpp two sprite structures are declared and suitable values are assigned. The default (x, y, z,) world position of Sprite[0] is (0, 0, -400) and of Sprite[1] is (0, 0, -500). Both quads stand up parallel with the (x, y) plane. The camera has a position of (0, 0, 10) and looks directly at the origin down the -z world axis.


The view to screen matrix is configured such that the near plane is situated –5 units from the camera, and the far plane at –1000. The aspect ration of the view is the traditional 4:3 and the field of view is set to 60 degrees.


The view port transformation matrix is configured with a screen width and height in pixels that is extracted from the SPS2 manager class. The x and y offset values are set to 2048. Note that the value of 2048 is chosen to correlate with the frame buffer arrangement used in the PS2, where the origin of the frame buffers is situated at the point (2048, 2048) within GSmem. The z buffer resolution is set to 24 bits which is (1<<24).


Notice also that a signal handler is being used to capture all signal from the operating system that will terminate the program. Capturing these signals allows the program to exit gracefully, release all of the allocated resources and properly shutting down the controller pad library.



The 3d Pipeline


The graphics pipeline calculations for the textured quads are carried out in the function BuildSprite2D() contained in the file packet.cpp. Firstly, the local to world transformation matrix is built from the current position and rotation parameters for the sprite and this matrix is applied to the untransformed vertex coordinates to produce the world positions of the vertices. Next the camera matrix is applied to the vertices to produce their positions in camera space. The third step is to apply the view to screen transformation matrix which performs the perspective transformation. Next, the resulting vertices are divided by their homogeneous W coordinate which maps them and the view frustum into a cube which extends between –1 and + 1 in all of the three axes. At this point in the graphics pipeline the vertices can be easily be checked against the view frustum for clipping purposes. The ClipCheck() function checks to see if a vertex is within the view frustum: if it is outside of the frustum a message is printed to the console to indicate that clipping has taken place and a flag is set in the sprite structure to indicate that this vertex should be clipped. This clipping flag is subsequently used to set the ADC bit of the XYZ2 vertex data within the graphics primitive data. If the ADC bit is set to 1, the vertex will not perform a vertex or drawing kick within the graphics processor and will be clipped out of the scene.


Following clipping, the view port transformation matrix is applied to the vertex data to yield their final 2d on screen positions. The textured sprites are then created using this transformed and clipped vertex data.



Running the Example Code


On executing the example code the familiar walking man textured quad will appear in the centre of the view window with a blue textured tile behind. As stated above, the camera is situated at (0, 0, 10) and looks directly down the –z axis. The man is positioned at (0, 0, -400) and the blue square at (0, 0, -500). The movement of the man is controlled by the control pad connected to port 1 in a similar manner to in previous tutorials. The left side of the pad controls the three axes of rotation and the right side of the pad controls the movement of the man in the direction of each of the local axis. Note that the man movement is in local axes directions and not in world axis directions – this can get a little confusing once some rotation has been applied to the man. If for any reason the man get “lost” on/off screen, pressing down on either of the left or right analogue sticks will return the man to the default starting position.


Now try and observe the following features.


·        Move the man to the edges of the screen/frustum and observe that clipping will occur – polygons will be clipped and a clipping message will appear on the console.

·        Move the man deeper into the scene. When the depth of the man exceeds the depth of the blue tile the man will appear to go behind the tile thus illustrating the effect of the z buffer.

·        Moving the man closer and further away from the camera will produce enlargement and reduction of the image size respectively as expected with the perspective transformation.

·        Bring the man quite close to the camera then hold down one of the rotation keys. It will be seen that the texture distorts as it rotates. This is called perspective texture distortion and is due to the fact that simple UV texture coordinates are being used. This will be investigated and rectified in the next tutorial.





A simple 3D graphics pipeline has been configured. Two textured quads have been transformed by the graphics pipeline and drawn on screen. Several features including z-buffer, perspective sizing, clipping, perspective texture distortion and movement in three dimensions have been demonstrated.



Dr Henry S Fortuna

University of Abertay Dundee