PS2 Linux Programming


A 3D Model Loader





In this tutorial a simple 3D model format will be used to load and display a textured 3D model of a cube.



What is a 3D Models


It has been seen from previous tutorials that in order to draw objects on screen, information is required about the vertices of the object. Typical information is the position, colour and texture coordinates of all the vertices in the model. Hand coding this information is possible when the model has only a few vertices but this becomes impractical for models of any size.


A 3D modelling package is used to create models and write the vertex information out to a file. This file can then be read by the rendering program and the model can be displayed and manipulated on screen.


There are many 3D modelling packages such as 3D Studio Max and Maya, but as well as being very expensive to purchase they can also be complex to use, offering much more functionality than is normally required for making a games. There are also very many different 3D modelling file formats that are used to represent the vertices (and other information such as animation details) of a model, but once again some formats are difficult to understand and complex to use.


As an introduction to using 3D models, the MilkShape 3D modelling package has been used to create a simple model in the MilkShape 3D ASCII format. MilkShape 3D can be found at and the ASCII format is relatively easy to understand, use and debug. MilkShape 3D is inexpensive to purchase costing around £20.



MilkShape 3D ASCII Format


An extract from a MilkShape 3D ASCII file is given below.


// MilkShape 3D ASCII


Frames: 30

Frame: 1


Meshes: 6

"FaceL" 0 -1


0 -20.000000 20.000000 -20.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1

0 -20.000000 -20.000000 -20.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -1

0 -20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -1

0 -20.000000 -20.000000 20.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -1


-1.000000 0.000000 0.000000


0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2

0 1 3 2 0 0 0 2


Basically, the model is divided up into meshes and each mesh has (among other things) vertex information, normals and triangles associated with it. In the above example, there are four vertices which are specified in terms of position and texture coordinates, there is one normal and there are two triangles. The first triangle is made from vertices 0, 1 and 2 and the second triangle from vertices 1, 3 and 2.


In order to use this format, the triangle information must be expanded so as to obtain the vertex information for each triangle in the mesh. This, plus other pre-processing is performed in the Load() method of the CMs3dModel class. The CMs3dModel class is contained within the files ms3dmodel.cpp and ms3dmodel.h.



General Program Operation


This program is written in a similar manner to those in the previous tutorials. There is no intention to make the program efficient or streamlined, but rather it is written in a manner that should help explain the processes that are being undertaken in order to render the model. It is up to the reader to modify and improve the performance of the code as required.


Within main() an instance of the model class is created and the cube model file is loaded and pre-processed with the Load() method. The required textures are loaded and the model is positions at location (0, 0, -100) within the virtual world. Within the game loop, the textures are loaded into GS memory as required and the model is rendered with the BuildGSPacket() method. This method transforms and clips all of the model vertices and builds the data that is required for the graphics synthesiser. Note that the model size is not known until run time so most of the memory required by the class methods is allocated dynamically.


Once the model packet has been created, it is sent off to the GS with the SPS2 wrapper class method FirePacketToGs(). This method takes as parameters, the start and end addresses of the GS Packet, and a pointer to an area of memory which can be used to build the DMAC chain consisting of DMAC tags. Note that FirePacketToGS() performs stitching to overcome the SPS2 4k page size.


Within the program some simple game logic is performed to rotate the model round it’s x, y and z axes.



Controlling the Program


There is no user interaction with this program. The program can be terminated by pressing Select and Start at the same time on controller 1.





In this tutorial a simple 3D model has been loaded and rendered. Using the tutorial code it is possible to load and display other 3D models which are in the MilkShape3D ASCII format.


Dr Henry S Fortuna

University of Abertay Dundee